Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Self Representation Project

Step 1 - Challenging & Inspiring

My first thoughts about this project is that it's going to have to make you think definitely about you, yourself. And it allows for people to really focus on aspects about them selfs that they might not know yet. I don't really have any concerns when it comes to this project, it seems like a good project that won't be to difficult for me to do. There are some materials I'm interested in using, like chalk. I have a full chalk board wall in my bedroom at my house and every few months i wipe it clean and redo it. It's mostly song lyrics and doodles that represent me and my personality. So I'm pretty set on doing that for this project. This is my chalkboard right now before I redo it..

1 comment:

  1. So much variety in this artwork ~ I can't wait to see your ideas for the new composition! Your willingness to play with fonts, lines, colours and space is admirable. Plenty of movement here as well ~ I think that may be one of the strongest aspects.
    *~ it must be hard to erase! ~*
