Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Self Representation Project

Step 5 - Producing Preliminary Work

Here's a rough draft of what the main picture on my chalk board will look like, the reason I didn't fill in the middle is because I want to leave space for me to just put song lyrics and fill in the empty spots. 

Self Representation Project

Step 4 - Exploring & Experimenting

I used some different materials today, I used chalk on black construction paper to sketch designs of what the chalk board would look like when I'm done and  I also sketched on regular paper with pen and pencil. I don't really like sketching with pen, it's a lot harder to do than using pencil. I also used charcoal and I find that it's very similar to regular chalk but a bit different.  

Self Representation Project

Step 3 - Planning & Focusing

I really liked the first thumbnail sketch and some of the aspects of the others like the plant type designs in the third sketch so I will definitely incorporate some of the other things in my final sketch. 

Self Representation Project

Step 2 - Imagining & Generating

Here are some thumbnail sketches of some of my first ideas. There would be a lot more lyrics just filling in small spots but over all that's what it would look like or similar to that.

Self Representation Project

Step 1 - Challenging & Inspiring

My first thoughts about this project is that it's going to have to make you think definitely about you, yourself. And it allows for people to really focus on aspects about them selfs that they might not know yet. I don't really have any concerns when it comes to this project, it seems like a good project that won't be to difficult for me to do. There are some materials I'm interested in using, like chalk. I have a full chalk board wall in my bedroom at my house and every few months i wipe it clean and redo it. It's mostly song lyrics and doodles that represent me and my personality. So I'm pretty set on doing that for this project. This is my chalkboard right now before I redo it..


So on Friday me and a few others in my art class decided it would be cool to do Henna. The henna shown in the pictures is my art teacher Mrs. Rose. I took pictures as I went and it turned out in the end sooo beautiful and everyone seemed to be really impressed with it! So that of course made me very pleased with it :)

Final Woodland Tiles

I finished the woodland tiles and they turned out way better then I expected, they actually look really nice and my teacher mrs. Rose bought them for $20 for relay for life. So I had fun making the tiles and got experience on how to carve and paint clay precisely.