Monday, February 11, 2013

First Art Assignment

This is the first thing we had to do in art this term, cut out 2 eyes, 2 noses, and 2 mouths and draw them like the one cut out; these are the eyes

First Blog Post

I think that art is is an expression of what someone is thinking or feeling, lots of things can be used to express art like drawing, painting, sculpting etc. Me myself, I like to draw or do anything really that involves using your imagination and creativity.
I absolutely hate science and geography, their definitely not my sting suits but I consider myself to be fairly good at art and I enjoy it more than most other classes.
In art class this term I'd definitely like to do pointillism because we didn't have the chance to do it last year and it looks like I would like it. Maybe I'd also like to use clay to make a sculpture, I've never don that before but I'd really like to try and give it a try. All I know now is that I like drawing and being creative, so pretty much anything art wise that if like to try out. I'm not really that good at painting, I never was and most of my family is good at art.